Greetings Tom. Another good resource for mapping the SPACE is Joe Lightfoot. A Little Liminal Update: 18 Months Later https://joelightfoot.substack.com/p/a-little-liminal-update-18-months

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Wow, that first image you made with SD is quite striking

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I enjoyed this piece. I've been reflecting lately on wisdom, including some musings here:


I like how Prof John Vervaeke summarized it on Tim Ferris's podcast a few months back: "Knowledge is about overcoming ignorance, while wisdom is about overcoming foolishness." One paradox that poses practical challenges is that the wisest people are often the quietest and most humble. You alluded to how this sometimes leads them to shy away from roles and positions where they could presumably drive change at scale.

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Great work, I think the call-to-action here is the most important piece. Those in comfortable economic position often retreat to the more comfortable orientation of "just playing the game" as it is. The reality is that thanks to the mixed blessing of digital communication anyone who has escaped precarity has the opportunity to be a statesman or a shaman.

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