This was excellent. Particularly liked this part as its a trap I often fall into myself

"Critics of technology fantasize about an era before the internet. But we can’t move backwards: these stunningly powerful systems need to be reincorporated within a more positive-sum framework."


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I now sort of see that everywhere. We got AI? Cool, learn how to use it wisely. Got science? Cool, make it work for the world.

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Great article Tom. I can definitely relate to "my skillset was both meaningless and useless" after 20 years on the buy-side :)

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Thanks mate- but it isn't.

"My life seemed to be a series of events and accidents. Yet when I look back, I see a pattern.” – Benoît Mandelbrot

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I'll be pondering this quote for awhile.

"The ideal is to get to a point where there’s no obvious difference between an act that’s selfish and selfless."

Great article! and thanks for generously sharing your transition experience with me. Its slow going but sticking to the process.

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Thanks mate- I feel like FINDING that act is borderline impossible, but it seems to be most of the game.

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Great stuff as always Tom. Really resonate with the idea that you shouldn’t throw the baby out of the bathwater when moving stages. Something I’ve been thinking a lot about while transitioning away from law.

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Thanks mate- the profound quality of your thought and questions must owe something to your legal background?

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